Caroline Minshell

Chief Executive Officer

Caroline Minshell brings over 30 years of senior level expertise and experience in the media business to her role as Chief Executive Officer of Senate Publishing.

She worked closely with Lord David Evans to build Centurion Press and, as Managing Director of the group, was responsible for the day-to-day running of the business focussing, in particular, on contract and staff management and the administration of sales and business development. 

With extensive knowledge of print, publishing, design, business administration, marketing  and HR, Caroline  subsequently steered a range of mediacoms companies to excellent standards of performance and  HR, earning  both Investor in People awards and ISO 9002 recognition.

In addition to her role as CEO of Senate Publishing Ltd., Caroline is also CEO of  print and design house TU Ink; independent natural history book publishing company Evans Mitchell Books; and business consultancy Senate Consulting.


Caroline Minshell

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